Aug 02, 2024
Laser welding of materials
PES LASER's handheld fiber laser welding machine, equipped with the fourth-generation swing welding gun, greatly improves the strength and quality of the welded joint and obtains better weld formability. The handheld laser welding machine can perform spot welding, straight seam welding, lap welding, girth welding and arbitrary orbital welding. The machine is also equipped with an automatic wire feeder. Compared with traditional argon arc welding, the efficiency is increased by more than 50%. Replacing the old-fashioned thermal welding system with a handheld welding gun not only facilitates the welding of molds, advertising words, kitchen utensils, doors and windows, etc., but also makes laser welding possible in outdoor operations. The welding capacity is expanded from small and lightweight workpieces to large and bulky objects that are difficult to move, such as stainless steel silos, stainless steel spiral ducts, chimney pipes, automobile steel pipe feeders, etc., with almost no size restrictions, indicating that traditional welding such as electric welding and argon arc welding will inevitably be replaced by laser welding. With the development of science and technology, traditional welding methods can no longer meet the special requirements of many industrial technologies for materials. Laser welding is the use of high-energy laser pulses to locally heat a material in a small area. The energy of laser radiation is mainly diffused to the internal information of the material through the study of heat conduction, and the material is melted to form a specific molten pool to achieve the purpose of improving welding. It is easy to operate and can weld a wider range of materials. At present, the types of materials suitable for laser welding are extremely wide, from conventional ferrous metals (such as carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, etc.) to non-ferrous metals (such as aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, copper alloys, titanium alloys, etc.), including some plastics, glass and ceramics. Laser welding (or connection) can weld the same material, and can also weld certain combinations of dissimilar materials. The laser weldability of different materials is explained below. 1. Carbon steel Generally speaking, carbon steel, especially low carbon steel, has excellent laser weldability. When the carbon equivalent of carbon steel is greater than 0.3%, the weld will have a higher hardness, but the tendency of cold cracking will increase. These two points will cause brittle fracture under fatigue and low temperature conditions. The following methods can be used to improve the situation: (1) When designing the joint, allow a certain amount of deformation (which can reduce the stress at the joint and HAZ) to reduce the tendency to crack (2) When welding materials with a carbon equivalent greater than 0.30% and materials with a carbon equivalent much less than 0.30%, using a welding bias can also reduce cracking (because it helps to reduce the carbon e...
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